The Amityville Insane Asylum has a History of Famous Patients!

Great Grandfather of Drew Barrymore becomes Violently Insane, Dies in the Amityville Asylum


Maurice on left. Note how crazy looking John is at top.

Maurice Barrymore became violent, Barrymore family shows strong parallels with the DeFeos and Lutzes.

Part of the Amityville story is that there was an Indian insane asylum in Amityville. Less known is that there is an insane asylum that was called the "Amityville Asylum" and is now called "South Oaks." The Amityville Asylum had a colorful history over the years and had some famous "guests" such as Maurice Barrymore, Romeo Singer of Singer Sewing Machine, and the former Director of Research was Dr. Harold Abramson that was the researcher in the CIA LSD scandal in the 1970s. According to Newsday the asylum used  electroshock therapy. Sherry Taub said in 2003 that in the past "Electroshock (Therapy) is forcibly administered." ( )There was one person that was committed there for accurately predicting a bombing, which many said was supernatural!

Drew Barrymore’s Great Grandfather Dies in Amityville Insane Asylum

Drew Barrymore’s Great-Grandfather, Maurice Barrymore, was kept as a prisoner involuntarily at the Amityville Asylum. World famous actor Maurice Barrymore was a stark raving lunatic and died horribly in the institution a few years after being locked up.  According to the New York Times, “On March 27, 1901, Barrymore suddenly became insane.  He was playing a vaudeville engagement at a Harlem theatre when he suddenly dropped his lines and began to rave. The following day he became violent and was taken to Bellevue insane ward by his son John. Later he was transferred to the Long Island Home at Amityville, where he remained until his death.” (New York Times 26 March 1905  Maurice Barrymore Dies In Sanitarium  Insanity runs in the Barrymore family. Drew Barrymore said, “I really have no idea of what growing up in a normal household is like.”(  Drew Barrymore said her actor father is insane and he first met her when she was 3 years old he threw her against a wall in an rage and she said he was “abusive,” “crazy,” and would often leave “crazy messages.” Furthermore she said, “Omigod, he's insane!” and even though he was a big actor at one time he became a homeless person at one point not even having shoes. ( Taming of the Drew by Neil McCormick GQ Apr 1995
Drew Barrymore has her own mental problems, for example when she was 13 s
he slashed her wrists with a butcher's knife. (Celebs Who Have Self-Injured John Barrymore lived near Amityville in nearby Long Beach.  (,_New_York.htm) 
Black Circle Boys - Ricky Kasso Ricky Kasso: Satanic Ritual Murder

Ricky Kasso was locked up in the Amityville nuthouse. By this time the Amityville Asylum was renamed to South Oaks Hospital. Kasso even had a demonic ceremony in front of the famous Amityville horror house to celebrate the Walpurgisnacht witch ceremony. After being treated in Amityville, Kasso went on to kill

Ricky Kasso

Former Director of Research at the Asylum was LSD Researcher for the CIA. Patient under his care jumped out of New York City window while on LSD that the doctor gave him!
Dr. Harold Abramson created quite a stir years ago when he experimented with fish when he gave them LSD. In the 1970s he became an even bigger international sensation when it was discovered he was doing mind control experiments for the CIA using LSD in a program called MKULTRA. According to the New York Times, "In 1959, Dr. Abramson told a scientific meeting on LSD that at the outset many of his colleagues opposed his work with the drug, regarding him as 'a sort of psychiatric Dracula.'" The director of the asylum was looked upon as a "Mad Scientist" by his peers. In 1953 Dr. Abramson's patient Frank Olson threw himself out a window and died at the Statler Hotel in New York City. In 1975 it was revealed it was from LSD that was given to him as part of a CIA funded research project of Dr. Abramson. Dr. Abramson was giving patients LSD without telling them.

The mental institution held a conference on LSD at the asylum on May 8th to 10th, 1965 in Amityville. According to Betty Grover Eisner "The last important conference for those of us who had worked with LSD was 'The Second International Conference on the Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism', held at the South Oaks Hospital in Amityville, New York. Dr. Harold Abramson was South Oaks Research Director." and "There were fifty-five of us gathered at Amityville, New York, almost every single therapist who had used LSD." ( Remembrances of LSD therapy past Betty Grover Eisner, Ph.D.August 7, 2002)

Ron DeFeo was a user of LSD and claimed that demon voices told him to kill. LSD is often said to "Unlock Demons" in the mind and turn people into killers.

A book written by Amityville's Dr. Abramson  to  promote the use of LSD.

Dr. Abramson was the Director of Research at the asylum in Amityville and did research for the CIA to use LSD for mind control.

Worldwide Headlines of Claims of Supernatural Activities from Amityville Asylum Inmate

A person called Edwin P. Fisher who was a graduate of New York Law School predicted a deadly bombing on Wall Street which occurred on Thursday, Sept. 16, 1920. This was a huge event at the time and historians compare it to the attack on the World Trade Center. The bombers used 100 pounds of TNT and 500 pounds of shrapnel. It was so powerful that it flipped a car 20 feet up into the air, shattered glass for a half mile, killed 30 people and injured about 100.  Edwin Fischer said two weeks before the bombing to his tennis club’s caretaker that "They" were blowing up Wall St.

According to William Bryk of the New York Press:  “
Fischer then predicted a Wall St. explosion on Sept. 16 to a stranger on a Hudson Tube train.”  “Between Sept. 11 and 13, he mailed postcards from Toronto to friends and acquaintances advising them to get out of Wall St. as soon as the gong struck at 3 p.m. on Wednesday. On the morning of the 16th, Robert Pope, his brother-in-law, having heard of the postcards and concluded Fischer was having a breakdown, caught up with him in Niagara Falls. On learning of the explosion, Pope persuaded Fischer to see the police. Fischer arrived at Grand Central wearing two business suits for warmth and tennis whites underneath in case he had a chance for a game. The police questioned him at Bellevue. He said he had received the messages "through the air." Realizing Fischer was merely demented, the cops soon released him to the Amityville Asylum, from which he emerged after two months. The warnings are otherwise unexplained.” (, March 1, 2001 News & Columns by  William Bryk  Even though Edwin Fisher predicted the explosion complete with the details, the police let him go because they said he was completely innocent. Not only did he make world headlines, but so did the Amityville Asylum. The Lutz family was not the first in Amityville to make supernatural claims to the world press.

Former Prisoner at the Amityville Asylum Describes His Torture

From the British Journal of Psychiatry:

"In his letters, Gilmour outlined his belief that he was being persecuted: ‘a system of cruelty exists in this institution not by starvation, nor beatings, but by a system of mental suggestion, and mock... pantomime – cruel jests – telepathy or other art unknown to me.’ Gilmour also used his art to describe how he was being tormented. In this picture Gilmour portrayed himself trapped in a large press. Various figures representing asylum staff and patients are seen seated about the contraption. They are all making disparaging remarks about Gilmour. On the left of the picture is a figure, carrying a padlock and a whip, and wearing long boots. He is urging Gilmour to confess. This is Dr Wilsey, the physician-in-charge of the Amityville Asylum in New York or the Long Island Home for Nervous Invalids as it was also known."
(Psychiatry in Pictures by  Allan Beveridge
 The British Journal of Psychiatry (2004) 184: A14  2004 The Royal College of Psychiatrists)


Painting by a patient at the Amityville Asylum showing what went on there. Pictured left is the physician-in-charge holding a whip.

Singer of Singer Sewing Machine Stuck in the Amityville Asylum

Another famous person that ended up in the Amityville Asylum was the grandson of Isaac Singer. Below is an article from 1884 in the New York Sun:

 "Romeo A Singer, a legitimate grandson of the late Isaac M Singer, the millionaire inventor of the Singer sewing machine, is a
charity lunatic in the Ward #146… Island lunatic asylum. He is a boy of 18. He walks up and down the halls moody and sullen, constantly engaged in inventing machinery. One for the ladies. Don't get too excited girls but this is the great lover himself.
 “When he can be induced to talk he tells about the devices for new or improved machines which he has worked out. His face will light up for a short time as he tells of the fortune his inventions will bring him, but it soon resumes its sullen aspect, and he goes on brooding over cogs and cams and cranks. He was taken to Ward #146… Island on June 19 from the
Amityville asylum. He will probably not leave it until he is dead.”

”The third is the insane son. He lost his reason six months ago. " 
 (  Life On The Other Side Of The Blanket  by Graham Forsdyke  ISMACS News  Issue 54  January 1997)

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Poltergeist Movie - Family & House it is based on located near Amityville!

John Ketcham: The Facts

Amityville Insane Asylum: Drew Barrymore's Great-Grandfather died there.

Suicide Club in Amityville - Mass suicide and Murder

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Al Capone in Amityville - Sinks into insanity.

Witch Trials - Woman accused of witchcraft in Amityville area!

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Indians in the area: Massacres, Legends, and Reality

The Doors: Jim Morrison's Witch Wife: Grew in same township as the horror house is in!


Amityville Insane Asylum is a trademark which will be the title of an upcoming book. This page first posted August, 2005.

Insane Asylum of Amityville Horror and Indians. The Angry Indian Chief of Amitville. Amityville Horror and the truth of George Lutz and Ronald DeFeo of the Horro, with a history of the events in Amityvile. John Ketcham was supposedly a witch.

The house was known to be haunted. But many say it was a horror hoax, just a story. The haunting and the horror story was well known. The Amityville Horor occured many years ago. The history of the area tell the truth about the horror. The news and photo of the photo amytville home is here, with photos of De Feo. Links to sites and a space project. The Warrens investigated. Images of the monster and the true story of the horrors and the tale of the house. Tales and stories of the supernatural and Jodie the Pig, and other monsters. City Confidential and info on Kaplan, with details on the Seventh Victim. George Lutz said the house was scary and creepy. The murder was spooky in Long Island. Really freaky. The biography of Butch DeFeo. Amityville photos and pictures. There was a possession of the son at the Horror House. He killed his whole family. George Lutz went insane. John Ketchum and accusations of being a witch. The Reverand Jeremiah Ketcham was very strange. Reverand Jeremiah Ketchum was an important character in t he movie.

The house in New York had many stories told about it, but what is the truth? The murders on long island could very well have been a hoax. The house may be haunted. The murder was terrible. The dollhouse at 2 brunswick became a movie The auction and pictures of the dmv may of been a true story haunting haunting the horor and the basketball team had any difffernt Amityville pictures that are horrow of the house that lutz lived in. Plenty of Amityville horror photos and useful information about the Dominicans and dmv and the history of the village and house. Father Pecoraro the priest was called Father Mancusco in the movie. The haunting of the horrible house. Home of horro. Amityville Real Estate.

s eminem lyrics horro com ii  The murders by Ronald "Butch" DeFeo Jr. happened in Amityville. Ron DeFeo Junior supposedly committed killed the members of his family only for the insurance money. Pictures of the Amityville Horror house.
112 Ocean Avenue or also 112 Ocean Ave. Bayport of the
Hardy Boys is located in NY. The location is on a bay.


There were many horrors in the house.






