Other Murders in Amityville: Worse than Ron DeFeo & George Lutz Horror
Amityville Woman Kills Kids in Scalding Water: Claims Demon Possession -
Named Melvin and Delvin
only represents a victims, not actual victim.
Amityville Mother Commits Acts Similar to Ron DeFeo and the Way Lutz
was Portrayed in the Movie.
There were other wild murders in
Amityville than just the DeFeo killings. There was a woman who began to act wacko,
started talking about demons, then stuck her children in boiling water and
strangled them. Sounds familiar? The Amityville area has a history of murder and bizarre behavior
where people claim contact with demons. There are those that claim the killing
of Melvin and Delvin is an urban legend are quite erroneous. Listed are several sources proving that this occurred in Amityville, just a short walk from the
Amityville Cemetery.
From the December 1998 issue of Fortean Times: "Amityville Horror Encore?":
Debra Robertson, a 31-year-old crackhead from the village of Amityville in Long
Island, was found by police making the sign of the cross over the bodies of her
six-year-old daughter Delvin King and five-year-old son Melvin King, who lay
dead on a couch. Her infant son slept unharmed in a bedroom. Robertson had
scalded the children by immersing them in boiling water. They could have been
asphyxiated or drowned, but the cause of death was to be determined by autopsy.
She said she had snapped because the apartment was
possessed by demons.
The horror in the white-frame house at 505 Broadway bore eerie echoes of the
1974 slaughter, less than a mile away, of an Amityville family by a 23-year-old
son who claimed phantoms ordered him to kill them. The murders became grist for
a fictionalised bestseller called The Amityville Horror--A True Story, which was
later turned into a film.
June 25, 1998 - Debra Robertson - An Amityville, N.Y., mother was accused of
killing two of her young children by immersing them in scalding hot water. The
tots, Melvin King, 6, and his five-year-old sister Delvin, were found dead on a
couch in a room by police after their grandmother called authorities. The
grandmother called the police because her daughter, Debra Roberson,
telephoned her screaming "God save my children."
Debra, 31, was arrested in the apartment when police arrived.
`All We Can Do Is Pray' /
Grief and bewilderment at funeral of slain siblings
By Samson Mulugeta. Newsday Jul 2, 1998. pg. A.06
QUOTE OF THE DAY. `I love them, I miss them and I wish they would never die.' -
Ermma King, 7, half-sister of Delvin and Melvin King, killed allegedly by their
mother, Debra Roberson, last week in their Amityville home. (p. A02 NS)
UNPUBLISHED CORRECTION: Debra Roberson was never charged with first-degree
murder by the Suffolk District Attorney's office for the alleged killings of her
two ...
Plea Accepted / Mom can't recall killing 2 children
Michael Luo Newsday Oct 20, 1999. pg. A.03
A Suffolk judge yesterday accepted a plea of not guilty by reason of mental
defect from Debra Roberson, a 32-year-old Amityville mother who was charged with
murdering her two young children, whom she
immersed in scalding water.
Acting State Supreme Court Justice Michael Mullen, who accepted Roberson's plea
in Riverhead, ordered her held for psychiatric examinations by Nov. 30, when he
will decide whether to commit ...--------------------------------------------------------
Judge: Killer Must Stay in Hospital
Andrew Smith. Newsday. Mar 31, 2000. pg. A.34
Despite recent good behavior in a psychiatric hospital, Debra Roberson is still
dangerously mentally ill, a Suffolk judge ruled yesterday.
At a hearing that concluded earlier this month, the Suffolk district attorney's
office argued that Roberson should still be considered dangerous and belongs in
a secure psychiatric hospital. Defense attorney John Ray argued her condition
had improved enough to permit her to be held in a ...
Mom Who Killed Kids Still 'Dangerous'
Andrew Smith. Newsday Mar 17, 2000. pg. A.39
Twenty-one months after she strangled and scalded two of her children to death,
Debra Roberson has become a reasonable, rational woman, a psychiatrist testified
yesterday in a Riverhead courtroom.
But that's only because she is in the strictly controlled environment of a
maximum-security psychiatric hospital, said Dr. Glodys St.-Phard, a forensic
psychiatrist at Mid-Hudson Psychiatric Center. Roberson's 14-year history of
cocaine abuse and mental hospitalization makes ...
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`All We Can Do Is
Pray' / Grief and bewilderment at funeral of slain siblings
By Samson Mulugeta. Newsday Jul 2, 1998. pg. A.06
Abstract (Document Summary)
QUOTE OF THE DAY. `I love them, I miss them and I wish they would never die.' -
Ermma King, 7, half-sister of Delvin and Melvin King, killed allegedly by their
mother, Debra Roberson, last week in their Amityville home. (p. A02 NS)
UNPUBLISHED CORRECTION: Debra Roberson was never charged with first-degree
murder by the Suffolk District Attorney's office for the alleged killings of her
two ...
Judge: Killer Must Stay in Hospital
Andrew Smith.Newsday. Mar 31, 2000. pg. A.34
Abstract (Document Summary)
Despite recent good behavior in a psychiatric hospital, Debra Roberson is still
dangerously mentally ill, a Suffolk judge ruled yesterday.
At a hearing that concluded earlier this month, the Suffolk district attorney's
office argued that Roberson should still be considered dangerous and belongs in
a secure psychiatric hospital. Defense attorney John Ray argued her condition
had improved enough to permit her to be held in a ...
Mom Who Killed Kids Still 'Dangerous'
Andrew Smith. Newsday Mar 17, 2000. pg. A.39
Abstract (Document Summary)
Twenty-one months after she strangled and scalded two of her children to death,
Debra Roberson has become a reasonable, rational woman, a psychiatrist testified
yesterday in a Riverhead courtroom.
But that's only because she is in the strictly controlled environment of a
maximum-security psychiatric hospital, said Dr. Glodys St.-Phard, a forensic
psychiatrist at Mid-Hudson Psychiatric Center. Roberson's 14-year history of
cocaine abuse and mental hospitalization makes ...
Mental-Defect Plea Accepted / Mom can't recall killing 2 children
Michael LuoSTAFF WRITER. NewsdayOct 20, 1999. pg. A.03
Abstract (Document Summary)
A Suffolk judge yesterday accepted a plea of not guilty by reason of mental
defect from Debra Roberson, a 32-year-old Amityville mother who was charged with
murdering her two young children, whom she immersed in scalding water.
Acting State Supreme Court Justice Michael Mullen, who accepted Roberson's plea
in Riverhead, ordered her held for psychiatric examinations by Nov. 30, when he
will decide whether to commit ...
Merlin (MER-lin) (Welsh) "Sea fortress." Mythology: Arthurian tales describe
Merlin as the wizard who was King Arthur's mentor. Myrddin, the wizard who
tutored King Arthur in British legend was known as Myrddin Emrys. Writers
translated this into Latin as Merlin Ambrosius, and into English as Mervyn. It
was a mistake as the first part of the name was a Welsh place name for the
seacoast town of Carmarthen. Emrys was the personal name and a Welsh version of
Ambrose. So Merlin probably means "Ambrose of Carmarthen", and is only vaguely
related to Mervyn and its variants. Football player Merlin Olsen. [Marlin,
Marlon, Merle, Merlen, Merlinn, Merlyn, Merlynn]
Delvin (DEL-vin) (Old English, Irish) "Godly friend; proud friend; bright
Amityville Horror murders worse than anything
by Ronald DeFeo or what George Lutz described.
The history of the Amityville
Horror and the truth of what happened. Mother killed two sons. One son an
infant. Old mother kills baby on Long Island, New York. Mother is insane, a
kook. Similar story in Chicago and Texas. Strange Motherlove, she was not
toogood. Andrea Yates and the drowning. Put into prison. She deserved jail.
Amityville horrors including murder of innocents in Amitiville. The village of
Amityvile had its share of tragedies, that is the truth. A strange history.
There is little Amity.
Amityville photos and pictures. There was a possession of the son at the Horror
House. He killed his whole family. George Lutz went insane.
John Ketchum and
accusations of being a witch. There were many horrors in the house. The house
was known to be haunted. But many say it was a horror hoax, just a story. The
haunting and the horror story was well known. The Amityville Horor occured many
years ago. The history of the area tell the truth about the horror. The news and
photo of the photo amytville home is here, with photos of De Feo. Links to sites
and a space project. The Warrens investigated. Images of the monster and the
true story of the horrors and the tale of the house. Tales and stories of the
supernatural and Jodie the Pig, and other monsters. City Confidential and info
on Kaplan, with details on the Seventh Victim. George Lutz said the house was
scary and creepy. The murder was spooky in Long Island. Really freaky. The
biography of Butch DeFeo.
The sad, tragic story of Amityvill and
Ronald De Feo The Warrens wrote about Amytiville. The amittyville horro was beyond
compare. What Ron DeFeo did to his family in Amytville.